linux, and its way to oblivion

Jumping on the "decade ending linux review" bandwagon of moronic fluffers, only headed in the different direction. Not to mention the fact, that the decade ends next year, but who cares really. This entry was inspired by the "15 game-changing moments of the decade" article of a lamer magazine. The idiot who took his time to pester us with his blind stupidity lists the following items as such:

January 2001: Linux Kernel 2.4

You're totally correct on that, 2.4 was THE kernel that changed the game called Linux. It was the precursor of the massive amount of idiocry arriving with 2.6, like the first annihilating (linux wording: evolving) of the memory management. I remember I had to back off using swap because Linux swapped out everything and never bothered to clean it up. Then I backed up all until 2.2, and all was good. By the time the idiots fixed it and I tried 2.4 again, they began to fuck up the out-of-memory-killer. It actually took 4-5 good years to get it right after that, all because the kernel strongmen had their own fucked up heads-in-the-ass ideals, and they shouted at everyone who thought he knew better. Oh and there was the DONTUSE kernel. You think that's something, but they only thing that's different nowadays is that they don't have to flag the broken kernels, because they have flagged the whole release process as "development, use at own risk". Now that is rich.

May 2001: Nvidia releases binary drivers

Again, dude got it just right. Before that, there was 3dfx, and it was good. There was official Linux support, with a 100% working and supported driver, which drove all their cards. Nobody bitched about nothing, because everything just worked. Linux was a true workstation. Nvidia fucked that up for them, so go ahead and shed your thankful tears, moron.

June 2002: Gnome 2.0
May 2002: 1.0
March 2003: SCO's lawsuit against IBM

Where's the famed linux in all this?

April 2004: 1.0

You realize you're actually celebrating a license-fork. Oh, by this time I've already switched to Mac OS X Panther, because contrary to all these idealist young fanbois I could detect a spreading brain cancer as such.

October 2004: Ubuntu Warty Warthog

Yea, the nigger Ubuntu-phenomenon just sums it all up. Pack up a steaming pile of shit, brand it with lame names for lamers. Gain fame and money on the mindless masses, that always works. PROFIT!

November 2004: Firefox 1.0

Again, where's teh linux? The overwhelming majority of Firefox users use Windows. Not to mention the fact that the old Opera 9 was faster, more feature rich (first tabbed browsing), and overall more usable than bugfox even nowadays.

April 2005: Mandrake becomes Mandriva

He lists this because it was irrelevant. Drop that heroin needle!

January 2006: First release of Compiz

Yea I remember this, a mate of mine was constantly asking for my help on how he could set it up. When I did, he was in extasy, until I told him that I already have compositing desktop on OS X for at least 2 years. AND the cube, and without the much-hyped wobbly-windows shit. In the end he had to disable the whole hunk of goo because XVideo video playback was unusably slow. Linux's hardware support was already declining for about 5 years now. This trend will never reverse, and paired with the stubborn idealism and sheer stupidity of the kernel development kindergarden, it will end in the much awaited disappearence of Linux.

June 2007: GPLv3
January 2008: KDE 4.0

Yeah, more braindamage coming right up. An even more viral license which now even tries to spread on your hardware (specifically made for TiVO by the Stallman jew), and the famed KDE release which caught up with kernel 2.6 in terms of releasing a stable version that breaks literally everything, branded as "this is the right way to do it!".

February 2008: The Asus EeePC

I took pity on my aforementioned mate and his constant struggle with the zappy+masky shit called Gentoo, and gave him a Windows 7 install media. He's a happy user now. So yes, eeePC is nice, if you're not a total ass by ruining it.

September 2008: Android 1.0 SDK released

Nobody cares. I use iPhone, and developing software on Linux-driven devices (note the intentional missing of the phrase 'powered') makes the fellow developers cry like a baby in boiling water. Sometimes even the promotional videos of such devices provoke this phenomena. Keywords: lag, slow, broken.

April 2009: Oracle buys Sun (MySQL)

WTF @ linux.

And I'll finish this text of Greater Wisdom with my thanks to our favorite idiot: Gabor Micsko alias trey, the head of, the suckiest Ubuntu fanportal on the hungarian internets. He argues that getting a SoundBlaster card working required a great deal of expertise. Well you got it all wron'! Back then it was simply modprobe sb (maybe specify the IO/IRQ/DMA values), and all was good. Now you have alsa/pulse/jackshit, and THAT really is not simple.

But hey, trey is actually a good guy, since as long as people like him are alive, the IT business will continue to spawn more and more hordes of unusable Linux-maniac idiots who can't do jack shit when serious fucking business comes around.

This is the end of 2009, and you've been reading the web's only VMS hosted Linux©® and Holocaust©® fan portal (they are actually similar in being terribly overrated). Get a life already, blogs suck. And now get drunk and shag wasted chicks, happy new year to me, and unhappy slow death to all of you.

lexi belle vs sandy sweet

Lexi Belle lázadó egyéniség: a mai pornószakma mainstreamjével szemben a sztenderd nőtípust, a „szomszéd leányt” kívánja képviselni: játékával elhiteti, hogy akár mi is belebotolhattunk volna e nimfomániás szőkeségbe, a realitás frusztráló izgalma pedig szexuális fantáziánk állandó szereplőjévé tehetik. Sandy Sweet ezzel szemben a pornószínész tapasztalt tehetségével, mintegy hideg funkcionalitással jelenik meg a kamera előtt: nem kívánja eljátszani, hogy ő az utca lánya. Individualista pornós, aki élvezi, amit csinál és arccal, névvel kíván részt vállalni a világ férfiúinak szórakoztatásában.

Lexi orális munkája technikailag megfelelő, a falloszhoz való viszonya konvergál a spermáról kialakított képéhez. Sandy azonban absztrahált hatalomgyakorlással bukik a péniszre, átnéz a kamerán, és nem hagy kétséget afelől, hogy számára ez se nem munka, se nem élvezet: mindezeken túli érzéki utazás.

Sandy technikai megoldásai nem nélkülözik a bravúros elemeket, ezzel képes kompenzálni testi megjelenésének karakterességét, hogy a sötét hajat kevésbé kedvelők számára is vonzóvá váljék.

Lexinél jobban viseli a nagy méreteket, színészi alakítása ennek megfelelően szándékosan műies, hiperdramatizált. Lexi természetessége viszont magával ragadó, genitáliái szemet gyönyörködtetőek, ánuszát külön kiemelnénk e differenciálkritikánkban.

két tehetséges színésznő a jelenkor pornóiparának hasznos és elismert tagjai, de két különböző stílus és habitus megjelenítői. Képesek arra, amire színházi színészek is ritkán: személyiségük nemcsak átjön játék közben, de őszintén meg is jelenik a vásznon. Férfiak százai mehetnek ölre kettejük ügyén, mégsem lenne igazuk a másikkal szemben: eltérő egyéniségük és megjelenésük kiegészíti a két színésznőt.

Testi jellemzőik és eltérő technikai repertoárjuk nyomán mindketten elismerhető színészek. Ha választanunk kellene mégis, a pornóiparra jellemző dramatizált, karakterizált coitustrendnek megfelelően Sandy mellett szavazunk, és arra biztatjuk Lexit, hogy kislányos természetességéből nem engedve fejlessze a film aktív és passzív jeleneteiben nyújtott játékát, ügyelve arra, hogy ne Sandy, hanem a saját stílusát űzze!

-- blogadmin, skype-on feltett kérdésemre tömören válaszolva

Virtual Programming Ltd just sucks.

Recently I got a new Mac, and that's good. The bad side is this: I've bought several strategy games which were created by the company Paradox Interactive, and ported to Mac OS X by Virtual Programming Ltd. The Mac ports have a copy protection scheme which requires entering the correct registration code, and an Internet connection. After entering it, the game checks with the VP Ltd. servers if the game has been already played on two different Macintosh already. If you're playing on a third one, the game will quit, and you have to send a mail to the VP support asking them to reset your account, which they are obliged to do free of charge.

Except that they aren't. See the conversation below.

Berczi Gabor
Posted On: 19 Oct 2009 09:12 PM

... so now I need to reregister all my VPLTD games. Some of them were already run on two computers. Is there something I have to do?
Posted On: 13 Nov 2009 08:02 AM

Advise your old codes.
Berczi Gabor
Posted On: 13 Nov 2009 08:16 AM

Hearts of Iron 2 (Boxed)


Europa Universalis 2 (Boxed)


Victoria (Boxed)


1 x Hearts of Iron 2 DD Armageddon (ARMAGEDDON MAC) = 9.95
Version Digital Download

Product Key: ARMF-XQ3VD-S70T-HR8C

1 x Hearts of Iron 2 Doomsday (DOOMSDAY MAC) = 24.95
Version Digital Download

Product Key: HDMS-XK6T8-GE8Y-YEWR

1 x Crusader Kings (CRUSADER KINGS MAC)

Product Key: CRK6-X0F8C-WSDT-4KFW

1 x Crusader Kings: Deus Vult (DEUS VULT MAC)

Product Key: DVTV-XPG5X-Q4MD-TCJ7

1 x Victoria: Revolutions (REVOLUTIONS MAC)


1 x Europa Universalis 3 (EU3 MAC)

Product Key: EN38-XV6PS-GSFS-3SCC
Metaserver Key: EMAC-250A-9447-D7BF-C516-DAEC

1 x Blitzkrieg (BLITZKRIEG MAC)

Product Key: KRGN-XT78Q-38CA-JN49
Posted On: 02 Dec 2009 09:32 AM

Please list only the games with a problem.
Berczi Gabor
Posted On: 04 Dec 2009 03:02 PM

I'm not gonna type my way all through my games just to find which ones are _yet_ unaffected by this mega-annyoing protection method.
Posted On: 05 Dec 2009 08:23 AM

I am not asking you too!

If there is not a problem, we don't need to fix anything. I was asking you what games you had problems with and what the codes were.
Berczi Gabor
Posted On: 05 Dec 2009 07:22 PM

You better bet you're asking!

First of all, you're replying to me your comment with the first sentence ending in an explanation mark. That is just SO wrong (let me give you the friendly advice: in order to get a girlfriend, you REALLY should stop this, and I know how that hard this is).

Which brings me to the point when I'm sad for you. However sad your story may be, honestly, I don't give a damn. So let's get back to the real point. Yout latest Macintosh ports have patched fixed two enermous bugs , both completely and entirely reported by me (feel free look them up), a _very_ loyal customer. So. When I fuckin' _ask_ that I'd like to FUCKING' play the aforementioned 30 pounds (multiply it by at least 6x, counting the games I bought) games on my goddamn' 1300 USD Macintosh, I FUCKIN MEAN IT, DIPSHIT, ESPECIALLY THAT I ALREADY OWN THE WINDOWS VERSION! (

I'm NOT pirating your games (anyone can do that, but I was willing to pay to you until now), I want to fuckin' PLAY THEM, did you get that, sorry-ass moron? So get me the goddamn' new codes, or - relatively - shortly the janitorial job awaits you, and that is just so sad for your future heterosexual relationships.

Granted, I may have drank a bit before this last one, but hey, who wants to arrive home just to receive a “no u cant play!!1 nothin’tofix!!” message? Anyways, the next mail I received was this:

"Consider yourself banned from our support forum.
Your language is totally unacceptable."

So now I can't play the games I paid for, except if I get my old Mac back. There goes several hunder euros of wasted money to a bunch of idiots. The moral of the story: don't ever buy from Virtual Programming Ltd. And check back here sometimes, if I manage to "find" a VP copyprotection crack somewhere, maybe I'll post a link.