ted ts'o followup

Now that the “ext4” filesystem has been chosen (unsafe link: blog of a linux-loving manwhore) for the new revision of NSA’s widely despised cellphone OS (“Android”), it’s time to revisit my old article from 2009. Finished? Good. Some good remarks from the chink (Ted):

“Fsync() might make things more visible”

“it may remove some optimization”

“part of the problem is Firefox”

Summary: he insists that the complete userland must be rewritten, because his fs performs worse (and lose more data btw) than other, better filesystems. Re-reading his old trolling I can’t believe how I missed the part where he (after pages long benchmarking and analyzing) realizes that he has no good explanation on why his ext* crap loses badly to any real filesystem, finally proclaims: “exactly how important is it to update those darned sqllite databases after every web click?” Yes, this, after all his “important databases must fsync” ranting.

Oh wait. So then your data is not any more important to your filesystem’s programmer than a steaming pile of goatshit. And/or he’s an incompetent, pompous ass.

trust your data on ext4, and linux. Please do. I just love a good laugh. Also that’s when I say: “I informed you thusly”©.