
Nexuiz. I don't know what it is, and I don't care.

What I intend to rant about is its mystical and nonsensical attachment:
"the community". So apparently the developer of Nexuiz got a life and realized how making money is actually helping your everyday life, and supporting crybaby free/opensource idealist morons is not.

So who are these basement dweller neo-communists?

The name "Nexuiz" has a value, which has been built up by community members like divVerent, esteel, Samual, [-z-], Morphed, FruitieX, MrBougo, tZork, mand1nga, Merlijn, Tenshihan, C.Brutail and many more.


So the magnificient entities like "[-z-]" and "tZork" are annoyed now. Annoyed so much that they have reached the climax... they cry. They cry on webpages about how life tends to have a different opinion. Right. News flash: still don't care. Why? Well, let's see what the cryfest is all about:

The Nexuiz community objects to this value being sold without giving anything back to the community

You, rampaging kids, are in dire need of education. The use of the abstract and laughable term of
"the community" means that whatever piece of shit stuff you've created was meant to be "free". Free as in free, and not free as in the RMS/GPL way of "I strictly limit what you can do". So, dear "the community", you are hereby entitled to shut the fuck up.

The Nexuiz community also objects to the name being taken from its project

"The community" (again! Will they never grow up to be individual?) seriously needs to return to reality. The "Nexuiz" name was sold by its righteous copyright older. And that is not the suckfest called "the community". Also, they apparently set another of their main ideals aside. I'm thinking along the lines of "if you don't like it, fork it". So go create a fork, create your own copyright, and stop salivating all over the interwebs.

the Nexuiz community objects to all this happening without even being involved

Tough shit. You don't have any right to say anything, therefore: not asked.
