molnar "'compatibility' and 'compliance' boogeyman" ingo

A schedulernáci dolgozik.

* Ingo Molnar [email blocked] wrote:

> [ my personal interest in this is the following regression: every time
> i start a large kernel build with DEBUG_INFO on a quad-core 4GB RAM
> box, i get up to 30 seconds complete pauses in Vim (and most other
> tasks), during plain editing of the source code. (which happens when
> Vim tries to write() to its swap/undo-file.) ]

hm, it turns out that it's due to vim doing an occasional fsync not only
on writeout, but during normal use too. "set nofsync" in the .vimrc
solves this problem.

Skill, hát na.

btw., Mutt does not go boom, i use it myself. It works just fine and
notices new mails even on a noatime,nodiratime filesystem.

Kthx az alapos tesztet, bár én már kb. 2002-ben láttam ennek ellenkezĹ‘jét.

From: Andrew Morton [email blocked]

On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 09:21:41 +0200 Ingo Molnar [email blocked] wrote:

> even on a noatime,nodiratime filesystem

noatime is a superset of nodiratime, btw.

Uh-oh, schedulerdeveloper at large. Morton meg ilyet szól: FYI!

> > can't test for in a user space app where it matters is going to
> > *change* this.
> The patch i posted today adds /proc/sys/kernel/mount_with_atime. That
> can be tested by user-space, if it truly cares about atime.

We have an existing API and ABI thank you. See man mount.

Azt mondja, mount_with_atime. Oh the pain.

Megnyugodtam, még mindig jó kezekben van a limuz.